Membran Design | Tensile Structure | Ultra lightweight |Kunst|Bauingenieurwesen

People, it's 2023.... what's going on with all of us?

The LGBTQ+ community has played a significant role in art, literature, fashion, music, and many other creative industries. Many LGBTQ+ individuals have used their art as a means of self-expression and as a way to bring awareness to the struggles and issues faced by the community.

Throughout history, LGBTQ+ artists have explored themes of identity, sexuality, and gender in their work. This has led to the creation of some of the most celebrated art and literature of our time, from the works of Oscar Wilde and Virginia Woolf to the paintings of Keith Haring and the music of Elton John.

In recent years, the mainstream entertainment industry has also become more inclusive of LGBTQ+ individuals, with more representation of LGBTQ+ characters and storylines in film, television, and music. This has helped to both raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues and to provide role models and inspiration for young LGBTQ+ individuals.

Creativity has also been used as a tool for activism within the LGBTQ+ community. From protest art and street performances to grassroots campaigns and social media campaigns, creativity has played a vital role in raising awareness and advocating for LGBTQ+ rights.

Overall, the creative side of the LGBTQ+ community is an expression of the diverse and vibrant nature of the community, and serves as a powerful means of both self-expression and social change.

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